Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Mock transfer and SonoHSG today

Well, it wasn't too bad. The last time I did it, it was very painful and pretty much the worst part of the whole IVF process. Anyway, this time it was a breeze! Here are the details...

I was the first appointment of the afternoon. I didn't even have to wait 2 minutes before the nurse took me back. She asked me what we were going to do (mock and SonoHSG) just to make sure I knew what was going on. She took me to the room and explained what they were going to do. She showed me all the stuff they were going to use and then asked if I had questions. She also had me take a antibiotic since they actually go into the body, just in case of an infection. So, she tells me to undress from the bottom down, and then she and the RE would come back. I get undressed, the the RE had me assume the position in the stirrups. He showed me again the catheter that they were going to insert through the cervix. It was about the width of a toothpick (but of course, not sharp in the least! hehehe). It was connected to a syringe filled with water. It had black little marks to show how far it went in. He said it was the same instrument they will use in the actual transfer. He put it in, no problem, no pain, and took the measurements. Then, he put another instrument in, similar to the first only not attached to a syringe, that was a little bit less flexible. With that one, he got another measurement. After that, he took out the less flexible one, put back the one with the syringe and that is what he used for the SonoHSG. He took out the speculum, and inserted the vaginal ultrasound wand. Then he squirted in the water and took pictures. He liked what he saw, but from my point of view I couldn't tell what he was looking at at all!! It looked like a bunch of static, but obviously he knew what he was looking at. He took everything out, and said all was well. The whole thing took maybe 10 minutes at most. I kinda gushed out water when I stood up, but that was to be expected. After I got dressed and everything, I met with the embryologist to talk about my embyos, schedule, and meds. I only have the first half of my schedule, but it looks like we are going to be having the actual transfer on August 15th. Since the baby is getting a little fussy while I type on the computer, I will try to add another post later with a rundown of my time line in detail. It feels good to cross off those procedures!

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