Friday, July 18, 2008

Oh, my aching head!!

These Lupron headaches are terrible! I had them before when I was taking the Lupron last time, but I had forgotten about how bad they are! The last time I talked to the nurse, she told me I should just take Tylenol. Well, let me tell you that Tylenol does nothing to help these headaches! I finally called the nurse and asked if I could take something else like Advil. She asked the dr and he said that I can take Advil until I start my estrogen patches which I think will be around the 28th. I LOVE Advil! hehehe It really has been helping these headaches. The nurse also said that once I start the estrogen that the headaches should go away! YEA! I have finished taking the BCP and expect to get AF any day, and the 23rd I go back to the RE for an ultrasound to make sure everything is ok.

On another subject, it doesn't look like I will be able to be a Stay at Home Mom. Bummer! We still haven't had a bite on the house and my last paycheck is August. DH and I talked it over, and it just seems silly to go into financial ruin just to be a SAHM. I bet almost every working mom would want to SAH at least for a little while and that all moms that work HATE leaving their babies. So, I guess our plan now is to have me go back to work, keep the house on the market, and either quit my job once the house sells or just kinda keep working until the end of the year and stay home next year. I have put in an application for 2 positions so I guess we will wait and see if I get an interview next week. The positions don't close until the 26th so I know it will be after that. I am a little nervous about going to work and being newly pregnant (hopefully) because when I was pregnant with William I had terrible morning sickness. I hope when I get pregnant after this FET that I won't be so sick. I lucked out last time because I was sick during the summer not during school. Oh well, I will manage!

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