Wednesday, July 02, 2008

My schedule (until 7/23)

Here is my schedule so far...

7/2 - 7/9 BCP only
7/10 - 7/16 BCP + 10 units Lupron (injection)
7/17 - 7/23 10 units Lupron (injection) only

7/23 Go back to the RE for a baseline ultrasound

Once I stop the BCP, I should get another period even though I will still be on the Lupron. The Lupron shot uses a tiny little needle. I give the injections in the abdomen; a little lower than the bellybutton. They hardly hurt. I can give the injections at any time during the day - just making sure to give it about the same time - so I will probably give it to myself after dinner - like around 8pm.

When I go in on the 23rd for my ultrasound, the nurse will give me the rest of the schedule. Sometime after the 23rd I will add baby aspirin, antibiotics, estrogen patches and PIO injections.

All of my meds are ordered, and nothing needs to be refrigerated. So, now I am just taking the bcp and waiting for next Thursday, when I start my Lupron injections.

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