Thursday, July 24, 2008

Good appointment yesterday

I had a pretty good appointment yesterday. The ultrasound showed a thin lining and no action in the ovaries - good news. After the ultrasound, I met with the nurse to go over my next set of meds. I keep taking Lupron until 8/9 so another 17 days (bummer). I start my estrogen patches on Monday. I do 1 patch every other day for 6 days, then go to 3 patches every other day for another 6 days, and then up to 4 patches every other day until beta test which is Aug 26th. I also start taking an aspirin on Monday and take those until beta. I have another ultrasound on 8/8 to check my lining. If that looks good, then I start the dreaded PIO (Progesterone in oil) shots on 8/10 and continue those until 12-14 weeks on pregnancy. (Major bummer - but worth it!) I also take 1 pill of Medrol and 2 pills of Doxycycline for 4 days starting 2 days before the transfer. Whew! That is complicated and a lot of stuff to take! It is a good thing the nurse gave me a spreadsheet with everything I need to do! It doesn't look as bad on the spreadsheet. I am getting pretty excited. I have to say that I am very optimistic about this cycle. In my head I am planning on being pregnant. I think I have a bit of over confidence since IVF#1 worked. There is still a possiblity that this won't work, but since this is our last try and it worked last time, I just KNOW this is going to work. (Knock on Wood).

Oh, and I asked the nurse about stress with this cycle. She said not to worry, that our bodies are meant to take a lot of stress, and unless I was so stressed I was having trouble breathing, not sleeping, shaking all the time kinda stress, that I would be fine. So, that was a relief!

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