Saturday, July 05, 2008

What is up with my emotions?

My goodness! I am an emotional mess lately. I'd like to blame it on the BCP, but I don't know if I can blame it on everything I have been feeling. I have been on the verge of tears for days. My DH and I went to see Wall.E on Thursday, and I was getting teary eyed over that stupid movie! Yesterday should have been a very nice 4th of July with a swimming party at my folks. However, I have been having a hard time dealing with food lately (found out I have a ton on food allergies and it has been a challenge to me to find foods I can eat that don't make me sick) Because my emotions are crazy, I was again on the verge of tears because I couldn't eat hardly anything because it was all Mexican food (one of my favorites) but I am allergic to chilies which is in almost every mexican dish! Ugh! I feel a little bi-polar. I am happy one minute, can get pissy the next, and then cry. I am trying to take DH's advice and take one day at a time, but I still have been thinking ahead to the shots, transfer, 2ww, etc. I guess I am just so unsure about the outcome that it has me unsure about everything in my life.

On a side note - It was two years ago to the day that I got my BFP from our first IVF cycle. I can remember it vividly. It was one of the best days in my life!

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