Sunday, June 25, 2006

We lost an embie today :-(

Today's fertilization report was that we lost one embie. That still leaves us with 8 good ones, but something in me is kinda depressed about losing the one. It is like one of our possible kids won't be around. It sucks. I'm feeling a little better physically, but still pretty bloated. (TMI coming). I've kinda been stopped up today, so I might need to invest in a fiber rich diet!! That may be some of my bloat! Hopefully, I will feel better tomorrow and get things a movin downstairs before I have to go back to work!

We start our PIO shots tonight. 8:00 PM! I'm not looking forward to it, well, like anyone does. I've never really been scared of needles like some people are, but I guess it could just be nerves of the unknown. I better get used to them. I am planning on needing them for 10-14 weeks to come!!

Today is my cousin's baby shower. I sent my regrets along with a Wal-Mart gift card! I've been avoiding her ever since I found out she was PG. I feel really guilty for avoiding her, but it is all self preservation! She is young, not married, and probably will have trouble supporting the baby, but maybe she will be a great mother and I am just jealous. Who said life is fair though, right?

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