Thursday, June 08, 2006

Everything is a GO!!! Let the stimming begin ~ Well, on Saturday!

My RE appointement today was good. I had baseline bloodwork and ultrasound. My lining was nice and thin and haven't heard anything about the bloodwork. We then talked with the IVF nurse about the next part of my schedule and how to do my next shots. I will be doing 1 vial of Meopur AM, 5 units of Lupron PM, and 100 Follistim PM. That seems like a lot lower dosage of meds than I've heard other girls taking. Anyway... She showed me how to mix the Menopur and a refresher on the Follistim pen. I start the injections on Saturday and go in on Monday just for bloodwork. It seems like such a waste to drive an hour 1 way for a 5 minute blood draw. I asked if I could do it at my own Dr's office, but they said they like to run all their own labs, which I guess is kinda good. What sucks is Monday they wanted me to come in between 8-9, but it is the first day of summer school. I talked them into a 10:00 appointment, but I may have to wait for an opening. I just hope 1 hour in the morning at summer school will be good enough to kinda get things going. Oh well, what can I do? She also said I would do approx. 10 days of stims with my ER somewhere around June 21st! That will be here sooner than I think. It seems like I've been kinda down the last few days, which I think is from the Lupron, but after today's appointment I'm feeling pretty good about things!

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