Saturday, June 24, 2006

Day after retrieval = UGH!

Well, I guess I am not one of the lucky ones that ER is a breeze. Yesterday and today has me feeling pretty much like shit. I am still very bloated and some pain right under my belly button. I am wondering if it is OHSS, but probably more likely that I am just a total wuss. I took my temp, and it was 99.0. I'm just going to keep an eye on myself, and hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. Now, for the good news...

Retrieved 11 eggs yesterday
5 were ICSIed and 6 were naturally IVFed
4 of the ICSI fertilized
5 of the Natural fertilized

So, out of the 11, we have 9 that fertilized!! Roll
Tomorrow we will get a call to see how our "multi-celled life forms" are doing.

DH was so cute when I told him the results. He was dancing around the house going, "WooHoo!!!" We both were very nervous about the fertilization. Since we are labeled "unexplained" we thought that maybe we had egg quality issues or fertilization issues. Guess not! So, that is one hurdle we have jumped. So, now the next hurdle is embryo growing. One day at a time, and hopefully we will have some strong multi-cell life forms!! I am just hoping to start feeling better. Something in me wonders if something is wrong in there, but I thought the same thing after my lap. I just need to give myself some time to heal. I am hoping I will feel up to working Monday. Also, if we end up doing a 3 day transfer, I really don't want to feel like shit for that!

Now, on a personal note, my DH got a promotion at work!! YES!! He has been working at the same company for over 5 years as a project worker. Today he found out that he is now a full-time employee!! Nothing much changes other than now he will get 3 weeks of vacation instead of 2. I am so incredibally proud of him. He works very hard for the company - like right now. Their server went out, and he has worked 13 day straight and some days more than 8 hours. He has wanted this promotion ever since we started seeing each other, and I am so happy for him!!! Yeah for my DH!!!!

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