Saturday, June 10, 2006

1 Day down, about 9 more to go!

Stimming Day 1: Well, I did all 3 shots and the baby aspirin! I did cry a little with the Menopur since it seemed like a lot harder to do than the other shots. However, with a little nudge of encouragment from my DH, I did it!

Feeling: Pretty good. A little light headed today at Wal-Mart, but nothing too bad. Follistim burned a little going in (more than the others). Will be glad to get rid of these headaches from the Lupron only. I think with the others added to the Lupron, my headaches should go away.

I'm going to do my best at taking this one day at a time and one shot at a time. I'm not sure I have enough Lupron, but I am only doing 5 units now and I'm not sure how long I will be needing to take it. My next appointment is Monday and it is just for blood. Hopefully they will see some good numbers (which I wouldn't even know if they told me!)

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