Friday, June 23, 2006

Got 11 eggs!

It is done! Thank goodness! I was dreading this part ever since we decided to do IVF. It wasn't too bad, a lot like my lap in March. I wasn't too nervous until they put in the IV (which was really not bad at all). I remember going to the surgery room, getting on the table, and closing my eyes trying to do deep breaths to calm my nerves a bit. After a couple breaths, I tried to open my eyes and thought, "Wow, it is kinda hard to keep my eyes open." I was out!! When I was coming too, I can remember the tube in my throat. It seemed to be in a little too far because I was having trouble swallowing, and when they took the tube out I know I was drooling all over the place! Ewwwww. Got back to recovery, and started feeling quite a bit of pain. The nurse gave me something I can't remember what though, and she gave me some anti-nausea stuff with it. Started to feel a little better, but it didn't last very long. I was FREEZING in the recovery room. I could see the thermostat on the wall ~ set at 68!!! No wondering, we keep our house at a comfortable 77! I probably could have gone home sooner, but I needed to finish the bag of fluid in my IV first. Got in the car, and was feeling pretty good. Was pretty talkative on the way home, but once home was getting more tired. DH left for work and I went in the bedroom to nap. About an hour later, got up to pee and came into the living room and got on the computer (like right now!). Right now I am feeling ok. I was feeling a little nauseous, but better now. I still have some cramps and the worst part now is my sore throat. I still think they put the tube in too far or scratched my throat somehow. Now is the waiting. Wait, wait, wait. Tomorrow I will get the fertilization report. We are doing half ICSI and the other half regular. We are hoping the regulars do better, but since we are "unexplained" we aren't sure whether or not that is where are problem is. I am betting the 2 old guys (the two largest follicles) are too old to fert, so I'm hoping for like 7 good ones. That would leave us plenty to use and plenty to freeze for a later child! Now, I am ready to rest. I wish I was feeling a little better, but considering what I have gone through today, things are pretty good!

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