Monday, June 19, 2006

Day 10 update!

Stimming Day 10: Yet, another ultrasound and blood draw today. Ultrasound didn't show much difference. I guess the eggs grew about 1mm, and after the ultra the RE stood there a while trying to decide what to do. So, he decided to have me go back tomorrow for another look, and to keep the 5iu of Lupron and 100 of Follistim. I am out of Menopur and only have like 2 more syringes for my Lupron. I've got maybe 3-4 more days of the Follistim. RE also said that my ER will probably be Thursday now, instead of Wednesday. I was kinda disappointed, but I don't really know why. I've got to remember, it only takes one really good embryo to become my son/daughter!

Feeling: Pretty crappy today. It is like one day good-one day bad-one day good-one day bad-etc! Feeling a little better now than I did this morning. My emotions are kinda out of whack today. Feeling depressed and want to cry for no big reason at all. Maybe I am just nervous about the ER, nervous about how many good quality eggs they get, worried about if they will fertilize, worried about how I will feel about ER, worried about if this is going to be a huge waste of money in time or THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE!!! Oh, I hope it it the later!!

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