Thursday, August 14, 2008

Time set for transfer!

Shannon, the embryologist, called me this morning with the information about our transfer. It is scheduled for 12:00 noon on August 19th. We will need to be there about 11am. She will thaw the embryos first thing in the morning, let them expand, and will let us know how they are doing before the transfer. After the transfer, we will stay at the surgery center for about an hour and then head home. Once I am home, I am on bedrest. The next 2 days I will need to "take it easy" and no lifting William until the weekend with "limited" lifting after that. I'm not supposed to hold him all day or pick him up a lot. That is going to be hard, but thank goodness I told my parents what is up so they can help up out. I also got my progesterone today, so we are all set for the first shot tonight. The first shot is always the hardest, but I'm sure all will be fine. So, for now I just stay the course. I am getting pretty excited. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but that is hard for me to do. I just hope this all works out and we get another little baby for our family.

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