Friday, August 08, 2008

Not the best news today

Today I had my uterus lining check. A full, thick lining should be about 11-13mm. My lining measured today at 6mm. The lining is what you shed (a woman's period) when you aren't pg. The Dr wasn't too happy with it, so now everything is changed. I now have to add an estrogen tablet vaginally and keep up with my estrogen patches for an extra 5 days. The Dr said that the added estrogen and taking the estrogen patches longer might thicken things up. He said that some pregnancies can happen with a 6mm, but this point for my first IVF I was at 9mm. Because things have been pushed back, we decided to tell my parents about the cycle. I was really disappointed that we had to tell them, but it does feel good to get the secret out. It was about killing me not to tell them. Our transfer is now tentatively scheduled for Aug 19. I have to be on bed-rest for the day of transfer and modified bed-rest for the following two days. And, I don't think I will be able to lift William for a few days either. Since, we will be living with my parents, I don't think I would have been able to keep it a secret anyway. Plus, it will be nice to have some help from them while I'm on bed rest and can't pick up the baby. I know this is only a little kink in the road, but now my confidence is a little shaken. I have another lining check on Tuesday, so I'll keep you posted on that. So for now, I will just keep praying that the extra estrogen and extra time will be what my body needs. Now I will focus on packing and moving. We are going to try to move our beds and belongings over the Mom and Dad's this weekend, then we will have a good 2 weeks to get everything else out of the house, into storage, before the closing on Aug 22nd. We have a lot of work, and here I sit on the computer. Maybe I should get to work, or at least give the baby a bath!

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