Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ok, now what?

So, FET was negative, so now what do we do? Here is a little background: In order for me to be a Stay at Home Mom, we needed to sell our house. So, we did sell and are currently living with my parents. I was hoping to do a little substitute teaching in order to bring in a few dollars, but also have some flexibility to work only when I wanted to or needed to. Well, the school district I work for told me I am not allowed to sub while on parental leave. Crap! Now, what do I do about the job? I had a phone interview Friday for a part-time teller position, but after hearing how a teller's job not only is transactions but sales, I'm not sure I want to do that. (I hate selling things, plus I suck at it!). If we want to get a house, I have to bring in something - like $500-$1000 a month. So, here we are, living at my parents, have just wasted $3000 on nothing, and now I have NO idea what to do. Even though I am really enjoying being a stay at home mom, I am really missing our house and am thinking it was the wrong thing to do. What to do?

#1. Start looking for cheap houses we can afford on DH's salary alone (crummy little house)?
#2. Stay with my parents for a year, and I go back to work next year and we build a house like our last house (which was big, lots of room, and beautiful)?

And with both options, where does a second child fit in the mix. On TTC $ terms, if we do another fresh IVF it would be about $20,000, but there is no guarantee it would work. We could try a shared risk IVF (long story short - it is like $35,000 but covers 3 cycles and if you don't get pg you get 70% of your money back). We could try adoption, but we have no home for a home study, and it is still about $20,000, plus who knows how long it would take and later in life issues with adoption. If we do IVF or adopt, then we will need a loan, and that is scary when we have 2 car loans, my student loans, and possibly want to qualify for a mortgage in the near future. Then, if we go with option #2 with IVF and it works, then I can't be a SAHM and we'd need daycare for 2 kids.

Ugh, my mind is spinning. Why can't life be easy?

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