Sunday, February 15, 2009

Brown Spotting

Oh no, not again! I woke up this morning to a lot of brown spotting. (TMI alert) Not enough to get on anything, but quite a bit when I wiped. I am so upset. I called my RE and asked if I should go to the ER. I had lots of bad cramping on Friday and some on my side, so I was a little concerned about an ectopic (in the tube) pregnancy. The RE said that if I wasn't in a lot of pain, that I probably don't have an ectopic, and I don't have much cramping at all. The RE said I can go in Monday (but, I wonder if he meant Tuesday because I wouldn't think they'd be open on President's Day. I'll call tomorrow though). They will check my blood levels, and if they go down, then I will m/c. He will also give me an ultrasound to see if he can see something in the uterus (not the tube). I am just kicking myself for starting to tell people about this pregnancy. I knew I should have waited until our first ultrasound, but once I had good rising beta numbers, I thought this pregnancy would be ok and was excited to share the good news. Stupid me!! I guess I will just take it easy today and just pray hard that the spotting in nothing. With my last pregnancy, I only had a tiny bit of pink spotting while Ben and I were in Las Vegas, and now we know the baby had already died by then. My levels were increasing as of Thursday, so I am hoping this is just some old blood or something. I want to be positive, but at the same time I don't want to kid myself. I'll keep you posted. I don't want to lose another child. It was hard enough losing my last child. If you are a praying person, send one up for my little one. Thanks!

Today I am pregnant, and today I love my baby!

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