Sunday, January 18, 2009

TTC again

Well, things have been going ok. I finally got AF 5 weeks after my D&C. My OB said that we could TTC if my period was "normal" and it was, so I think we will start TTC again. I'm not sure what to feel. My emotions are kinda all over the place. Part of me is happy to get trying again, and the other part of my is scared about getting pg and losing it again. I still am kinda emotional about the m/c, but I guess it depends on the day. I don't really think about the m/c much unless something happens to trigger; like seeing a pregnant woman or having someone ask about it or something. The dr prescribed me some anti-depressants, but they made me so sick that I've decided not to take them. I also started seeing a therapist. I've only seen her once, but have another appointment Friday. I think I am doing better, but it is still up and down.

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