Sunday, October 26, 2008

IVF back on hold

I know we keep going back and forth, but I think we are going to hold off on our IVF until May. The issues of my levels still exist, but we will just hope and pray that my levels stay ok for the next 7 months. It just seemed like we were being rushed into this IVF, and we really aren't ready. I was sick this past week and had to take 3 days of work off. That is huge when I only have 11 days off. Between all the half days I need to take for monitoring appointments and how many days I may need to take for the retrieval and transfer (depending on what day of the week it all happens) then I will be out of days. Hopefully, it will work and I will get pg, but then I will have no days left and if there is a day where I am sick or the baby is sick, then it will cost us about $300 and we need every single penny we make in order to do IVF at all and pay the payments. Another issue that makes us wait is my disability insurance was canceled. Because I was off work for the month of September, then it canceled my policy. I can get another policy that starts in Jan, but if I get pg before then, then pregnancy is a preexisting condition and not covered. My disability insurance saved us when I went into preterm labor with William and ended up being on bedrest. I left work about 2 months earlier than I had planned. With IVF, multiples are a real possiblity, and if I were to get pg with twins, then the chances of me having to go on bedrest would be high. I just can't take that chance. I am relieved and bummed at the same time. One one hand, I am glad to have some more time, to get moved into the house and settled, have the holidays without me being hopped up on hormones, not have to worry about how many days off or having to take off work for appointments and ER and ET, and maybe even try to lose a few pounds I have gained before we cycle again. However, waiting is a big gamble that my levels are still ok. Also, I'm not a patient person and waiting until May seems like FOREVER!!!!! I hope this was a good choice and really, I may change my mind again. However, it has to be decided by the time I start my next AF which is any day now. This is such a hard decision!

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