Wednesday, May 10, 2006

It's been a crazy week! (and it is only Wed)

It has been a few days since I have posted, but it has been really busy at work. We have had the 3rd/4th grade musical, Terra Nova testing, field trips, and writing trainings! I am so glad the end of the school year is getting close. I am a little worried about teaching summer school and my upcoming IVF cycle. I will have to miss about a week because of ER and ET and there are only 6 weeks of school. I am hoping I can just talk to the facilitators, confide in them about my IVF, and hopefully they can kinda cover for me. One facilitator is my Mom, and she is so good I bet she could handle both schools. Maybe I can talk to the teachers at my school and see if they can handle things without me for a week. I think being late for monitoring appointments would probably be fine, it is that long week. I am looking forward to my RE appointment next Wednesday. I was a little bummed that I didn't get my protocol over the phone when I called earlier in the week, but I guess there is a lot to go over. I am also going to see if I can meet with the financial person and apply for a loan. I had my mock transfer when DH and I went up last week. It was pretty awful. I also had the sonohsytergraphy (saline test) at the same time. It was pretty bad since I really wasn't expecting to do those tests, but now that they are done I am happy! The RE said again my uterus was "beautiful" and he also sounded pretty optomistic, which in turn has me optomistic. He also said we have a 50% chance for twins! That has got me pretty freaked out! Sounds kinda cool, but then reality of twins (cost and the thought of 2 babies) has got me nervous. But, 2 for the price of one does kinda sound good too! I guess I just want to be PG no matter it that means 1 or 2!

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